I recently got some new equipment — most importantly a new tripod (for the gearheads it’s a Manfrotto 190CXPRO4). I’ve had an excellent tripod for some years now, but, it’s a beast and weighs entirely too much to throw on your back for a hike/bike/walk in the park. I replaced it with an almost identical model, but instead of aluminum construction it’s carbon fiber. This thing is so incredibly light, so light that I think the ball head (Manfrotto 488RC2) that I attach to the top probably doubles the weight.
Last night we drove down near the Broadway bridge in Portland and from about 8 to 9 PM took shots from the bridge looking north up the Willamette River towards the Freemont bridge, and then walked back along the other side and took shots looking south down river towards the Steel Bridge. I would love to be able to spend a night on each one of Portland’s bridges (there are 10 crisscrossing the Willamette) taking pictures of the city. Here are some shots from last night.
Looking north to the Freemont Bridge from the Broadway Bridge
North on the train tracks to the Freemont Bridge
South on the tracks looking at Union Station
The Steel Bridge seen from the Broadway Bridge (the white spires are the Portland convention center)
City lights seem from the Broadway Bridge
These look great. I especially like the later ones.
Thanks Bryan. It was neat to see the changes occur over the hour as the sky changed to a deeper and darker blue
I think I’ll put a few in the galleries section so they can be viewed full screen so you can really see how much detail is in a shot like the Steel Bridge with the white spires to the left of it.